
Pitch Deck Database

4 ratings

Pitch Deck Database

4 ratings

The Pitch Deck Database contains over 900+ Pitch Decks from industry-leading startups all around the world.

Ever wondered what the pitch decks of popular unicorns, such as Spotify, Airbnb, Coinbase, LinkedIn, Tinder, Dropbox, Snapchat, YouTube, Revolut, and Facebook, look like? Now you can see them all together!

What's included:

  • The Pitch Deck Database in digital format.
  • 900+ Pitch Decks from industry-leading startups.

What will be delivered:

  • A direct link to a Notion page with the database in Google Sheets.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is a Pitch Deck?
    A pitch deck is a brief presentation outlining a business idea or product to potential investors or clients, with the goal of securing funding or partnerships.
  2. What is Notion?
    Notion is a free note-taking software that we used to compile and share this content.
  3. Can I become an affiliate?
    Absolutely, click here to sign up.
  4. Do you offer custom solutions for businesses or individuals?
    I sure do.

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You will get instant access to a Google Sheets database with 900+ Pitch Decks from industry-leading startups.

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